Oil coated 6mm – 120mm ungalvanized steel wire rope crane cable from China best wire rope factory


Availability: 3 in stock

SKU: 10045-1 Category:

Oil coated ungalvanized steel wire rope crane cable

Product Description

6×19 construction ungalvanized steel wire rope is available with either FC (fibre core) or WSC (wire strand core). When supplied with a wsc the rope is more commonly referred to as 7×19. The rope is very popular in diameters from 3mm to 16mm and is used on a variety of applications. 6×19 FC and 6×19 WSC (7×19) is very flexible in diameters 3mm to 6mm and is used for many requirements where wire ropes are running over pulleys. 7×19 construction is readily available in both galvanised and marine grade stainless steel.

  • Applications
  • Where cables are required to run over pulleys
  • General engineering applications
  • Industrial door cables
  • Garage door cables
  • Control cables
  • Gym equipment cables
  • Wire rope slings
  • Wind turbine
  • Whip checks
  • Winch ropes


Rope Nominal Diameter
Approx. Weight
Nominal Tensile Strength(MPa)
1570 1670 1770 1870
Minimum Breaking Strength(kN)
Natural Fiber Core Synthetic Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core Fiber Core Steel Core
9 28.4 27.9 32.4 39 42.2 41.6 44.9 44 47.6 46.5 50.3
10 35.1 34.4 40 48.2 52.1 51.3 55.4 54.4 58.8 57.4 62.1
11 42.5 41.6 48.4 58.3 63.1 62 67.1 65.8 71.1 69.5 75.1
12 50.5 50 57.6 69.4 75.1 73.8 79.8 78.2 84.6 82.7 89.4
13 59.3 58.1 67.6 81.5 88.1 86.6 93.7 91.8 99.3 97 105
14 68.8 67.4 78.4 94.5 102 100 109 107 115 113 122
16 89.9 88.1 102 123 133 131 142 139 150 147 159
18 114 111 130 156 169 166 180 176 190 186 201
20 140 138 160 193 208 205 222 217 235 230 248
22 170 166 194 233 252 248 268 263 284 278 300
24 202 198 230 278 300 295 319 313 338 331 358
26 237 233 270 326 352 346 375 367 397 388 420
28 275 270 314 378 409 402 435 426 461 450 487
30 316 310 360 434 469 461 499 489 529 517 559
32 359 352 410 494 534 525 568 557 602 588 636
34 406 398 462 557 603 593 641 628 679 664 718
36 455 446 518 625 676 664 719 704 762 744 805
38 507 497 578 696 753 740 801 785 849 829 896
40 562 550 640 771 834 820 887 869 940 919 993
42 619 607 706 850 919 904 978 959 1040 1010 1100
44 680 666 774 933 1010 993 1070 1050 1140 1110 1200
46 743 728 846 1020 1100 1080 1170 1150 1240 1210 1310

Note : Steel wire min. aggregate breaking strength = Min. breaking strength of steel wire rope × 1.226(fiber Core) or 1.321(steel core).

Ungalvanized Steel Wire Rope with Untreated Surface

A coil if ungalvanized steel wire rope is fully lubricated for shinny surface.

ungalvanized steel wire rope refers to general wire rope without surface treatment, free from zinc, tin, copper and other types of metallic coatings. So they are normally lubricated with grease to protect the wire rope from corroding.

Product Show

 ungalvanized steel wire ropeungalvanized wire ropecrane steel wire ropebest coated steel wire rope


 steeluse (2)

How to order:

In ordering steel wire rope, you are requested to give us complete information as specified below:

a. Purpose: For which rope will be used.

b. Size: Diameter of the rope in millimeter or inches

c. Construction: Number of strands, number of wires per strand and type of strand construction.

d. Type of Core: Fiber core( FC), independent wire rope core(IWRC) or independent wire strand core(IWSC).

e. Lay: Right regular lay, left regular lay, right lang lay, left lang lay.

f. Coating: Bright(ungalvanized), galvanized or stainless, PVC or Grease.

g. Grade of wire: Tensile strength of wires.

h. Breaking Load: Minimum or calculated breaking load in tones or pounds.

i. Lubrication: Whether lubrication is desired or not, and required lubricant.

j. Length: Length of wire rope.

k. Packing: In coils wrapped with oil paper and hessian(orp.p) cloth, or on wooden reels.

l. Quantity: By number of coils or reels, by length or weight.

m. Remarks: Shipping marks and any other special requirement.

Brand Name


Place of Origin


Alloy Or Not




Wire Gauge


Tensile strength


Steel Grade





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